Q: What’s your sample policy?
A: We offer free charge if the sample available in stock, freight will be collected at customer side. For custom-making sample, will charge some production cost and refund while mass order placed.
pp foam box file
Q: What information is needed to get a quotation?
A: 1. Size and thickness
2. Packing reguest
3. Purchase quantity
pp foam box file
Q: After I sent inquiry, when I can get your reply?
A: We promised you that all inquiries will get our attention and reply within 24 hours.
pp foam box file
Q: OEM or customized item available?
A: Yes, OEM or customized designs are workable.
Q: What’s the quality control on your products?
A: We provide reliable quality goods. Our QC team will inspect the quality at each procedure:
1) raw material 2) in producing 3) final packing 4) before shipping.